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Features Of Linux || Why should We Use Linux || Why to choose Linux

Using a kind of OS is usually determined by the kind of features it is wearing. The features those especially needed to us, means speed of performing task, cost of implementation, and many more. When it comes to Linux, how efficient is it or how good is it? We also consider its features first. We all know ,if , Linux is the most secure OS that can't be easily effected by the viruses too. But the reason of being unaffected is , it is complex to understand and vast to learn that makes it tougher task for someone to breach into it with and easily use it. As the result, there are much less users of linux. Actually Linux was build for UNIX learners to understand its working. And it is completely a working free image of UNIX.

The following features explain the Linix OS usabilities.

1. Linux is inexpensive.
       i.) Freely downloadable.
      ii.) Easily downloaded from web.
     iii.) Software may be legaly shared with friends.
      iv.) Upgradation would be free.

2. Multiuser & Multitasking System.
            i.) Linux provides facility for performing seperate jobs             for multiple users on the same OS.
            ii.) It also provides the facility for one user to run              multiple jobs,i.e. a user can edit a file, print another file on a             printer, send email to a friend and browse the www ----             without leaving any of the applications.
           iii.) Kernel is designed to handle it, a user can send one             job in the foreground and the rest run in the background.

3. Linux is fast.
      There is no second opiniin regarding the processing speed of Linux. Linux programs are very efficient because it uses few resorces (as much possible) to perform a specific task.

4. Linux is stable.
          i.) Coding of Linux is well written, improving the stability of OS. Even while performing multiple tasks, it does not get to hang , proving its high stablized nature.
         ii.) It is next to impossible to crash. If an application crashes, we can simply remove the program from memory and just restart the computer. Now everything will be working properly.
        iii.) Performing multiple tasks and even seperate tasks of multiple users do not let it down. Such ordinary facilities even do not makes Linux unstable.

5. Open Source Software.
           Linux users can read its source code and can modify it if they find some lack of facility or find some bugs or can add the desired features to it. Once verified by the Linux Authority, the modified OS can be used by others too.

6. Programming Facilities.
            i.) Linux provides programming facilities using shell scripts.
           ii.) Shell scripts have all the necessary ingredients, like control structures, loops, and variables.

7. Pattern Matching.
         Linux also provides very suffociticated pattern matching features, like * (metacharacter) which is a special character used by the system to indicate that it can match a number of file names.
      ex.- chap *



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