Borland's Turbo C/C++ has been making the novices to know the power of coding with interest beside of being outdated since 1987. It was noted for its integrated development environment, small size, fast compile speed, comprehensive manuals and low price availability. But now it's completely free to download and use. You can download Turbo C/C++ of Borland's (according to your PC's requirements) by clicking here. TO SEE THE INSTALLATION VIDEO CLICK HERE . After the download is completed, follow the following steps (picture-wise too) after opening it : 1. Double click the application to start installation. 2. Now click next. 3. Accept the license aggreement to continue to install by clicking intsall button. 4. The installing page will look like - 5. After the installation is completed soon, click read me if you wish to see its license aggreement. 6. Otherwise you can continue by clicking finish. 7. Now go to the desktop and search ...
This site let the novices to learn the programming languages. This site also contains the codes needed for some specified purpose too. Top category IT related knowledge is available here too.